It was recently the birthday of my wife and to celebrate, we went to a small local Italian restaurant, which we had never tried before, but heard some good things about. It was an authentic Italian restaurant, by this I mean it has authentic Italians in its staff. It was very pleasant experience and we will go back. I mostly behaved myself and did not speak much Italian so as not to embarrass my wife. But okay, I did say a few words, just for kicks. And talking of kicks, as it was her birthday we received a shot of
limoncello each on the house. It was the first time I ever tried that liqueur and I have to say, it has a strong kick. I very seldom drink digestives, as I don't think about ordering them. But limoncello might become a new thing for me, I really enjoyed it.
Happy belated birthday to your wife!
Je l'ai essayé aussi et ça me fait pas tripper plus que le porto. Un cidre de glace, moins alcoolisé, fait beaucoup mieux.
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