I have mentioned
recently that I was pleasantly surprised, during my last trip to Montreal, to see that the bookshops on the Plateau appeared to he striving. Not only second-hand bookshops, which always did very well in this neighborhood, but also, or at least it seems, other independent bookshops selling "new" books, and not only bestsellers, but lesser known treasures and forgotten classics of all genres. I had visited
Le port de tête before, but only truly discovered it this time. I did not visit
Olivieri, something I kept promising myself to do, but I feel less ashamed as I now have a proper independent bookshop to go to. And it is exclusively a bookshop, it is not also a bistro or a café, it sells books, period. This inspired me to start looking for independent places like Le port de tête on this side of the pond.
Je me souviens t'avoir parlé de la librairie Port de tête. Pour moi, elle est incontournable. Tan qu'à Olivieri, c'est un lieu incontournable pour ce qui est des livres de références dans mon domaine. Mais alors que tu te promènes de ton côté de la mare, va voir celles-çi: (https://www.facebook.com/icirenehomierroy/photos/pcb.10151944299359702/10151944274644702/?type=1&relevant_count=1) ainsi que: (https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1522290_10151916726414702_385751656_n.jpg)
et donnes en des nouvelles. :)
Merci, c'est vraiment superbe.
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