Thursday 6 November 2008

London tomorrow...

It is my wife's birthday tomorrow, so we will go to London see The Sound of Music. Which means I am going to be in London again, a city I don't particularly like anymore. It will be the occasion for me to reconciliate myself with the city that gave us, well, her hummm... Jack the Ripper? No seriously, seeing Paris last September, a city loathed by many Frenchmen made me think that I can see London, another big city plagued by tourists and locals alike, in a new light. Anyway, I hope I will have the time to blog about something interesting tomorrow before we go.


PJ said...

Personnellement, je ne dirais pas non pour revisiter Londres, en autant que je n'aie pas à retourner chez Madame Tussaud.

VioletSky said...

Hope you both enjoy Sound of Music. And that you can see London through less jaded eyes.

Mappy Birthday to your wife.

VioletSky said...

oops - should say Happy Birhtday.

Bonne fete