Monday 9 September 2024

The Guillotine in the Classroom

I foudn this meme online recently, it came on my Facebook feed. I guess it is back to school even for social media. In any case, it really made me laugh. Anybody remember these? We did have one in every classroom in the primary school where I went. And they were not mino guillotines. They were pretty much proper, if simplistic, guillotines. I'm not sure if they could have chopped a head off, but small fingers certainly. They thus scared me a bit and I never liked having to go use them. Since I was a sensible child, the teacher used to give me the responsibility to cut papers or cardboard with them more often than I cared for.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Such a satisfying "chop" as it slices through paper!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

i loved using those things!