I know, August is still summer and only the first half of August has passed. Nevertheless, autumn is looming, there are indubitable signs that the season is looming. August is often like this. Of course, as I love autumn, I do not mind at all, I am actually excited to see these signs, especially since summer has been hot anyway.
So these are the signs I saw, in order of importance:
-The temperature has dropped down. It is barely perceptible during daytime, but during the evening and at night it is quite cool.
-I thought it was wishful thinking at first, but the cool breezes are most definitely announcing autumn.
-The fruits on the trees are ripening and announcing harvest.
-The leaves on some trees are already changing colours. I thought at first it was just exceptional. But there was one maple tree I saw yesterday evening, half of its foliage was red as if it was September already.
Of course, apart from the last one, this could change at any time: summer could just come back in full force for a last blast. Even after August is over. Nevertheless, it is a fairly good sign for the season to come.
We The People
4 weeks ago
same here! i see reds and yellows peaking out here and there in the mountains. and even when it is hot, you can feel a coolness in the breeze.
No colors changing here yet, but I am really enjoying the cooler morning temperatures!
Pareil ici, snif...
Wow....that must be really exciting to see some changes of the season. And I laugh at your 'wishful thinking', because that is all I pretty much have to live on down here in the heat. There are no changes at all here in FL of course, with the exception of the Halloween goods now arriving fast and furiously in the stores. It seems really early for Fall color on the trees though doesn't it? Well keep posting any little changes you find, as I have to live vicariously through those of you you who are lucky enough to live where the seasons change! :o)
The temperature dropped 10 degrees on us suddenly last week, so we are definitely feeling autumn coming. I love it :)
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