Saturday 21 June 2014


I have learned rencently, on one of the internet forums I sometimes go to that we are or we are near Midsummer, which is more or less the equivalent of the Summer's solstice. Which means today. Or tonight. The longest day of the year. In Sweden, Midsummer's Day is celebrated on the 24th of June, but from what I understand around Scandinavia it is more or less from June 21st until the the 24th. It is celebrated with old rituals which roots are deep in Paganism. To commemorate Midsummer and in a way to kick start the season I thought I would upload a picture of the mystery play I saw in Visby, during the medieval festival there. A medieval mystery play, the longest day of the year, summer in full bloom, it is a fitting image.


Mantan Calaveras said...

Looks like a hell of a mystery play.

Gwen Buchanan said...

I bet that would be a pretty lively festival.. One worth checking out!!

Here is seems summer is having a hard time to get going. I'm hoping it will stay summer till December to make up for the lack of warm weather earlier in the year.

Guillaume said...

@Mantan-It was amazing, very dramatic. Literally Heaven and Earth on display.
@Gwen-It is a great festival. Summer here is in full bloom, I hope we have proper seasonal changes, because when autumn comes, I don't think I can take much more heat.