Friday 1 March 2013

Saint David's Day

The Google Doodle reminded me today: it is Saint David's Day. Which means it is the Welsh national day. I blogged about it and my Relationship with Wales here and here. I have little more to say here, except that I LOVE the Google Doodle celebrating it this year: the daffodils, the leak and of course the gorgeous Welsh red dragon. So Happy Saint David's Day everyone, and especially my Welsh readers, if there are any.


The Gill-Man said...

I used to own a Welsh Corgi who was born on St. David's Day, which is pretty cool to me since my first name is David! He was the best dog I ever owned.

I actually didn't know that his birth date was on St. David's Day until my extremely Catholic Sister-in-Law informed me of this fact, a few years after he had passed away. Kind of a neat thing to learn

Guillaume said...

Hey thanks for commenting again on my blog! Lovely memory about your dog, and life has those little coincidences.