My wife and I took a walk tonight, just to see the children trick or treating (can we turn it into a verb?). Sadly, we barely saw any children, Jack O'Lantern and Halloween display. Halloween here seems to be a non event (in the town I live in, that is, because it is getting bigger in England), to my great disappointment. In a night like this I miss Montreal more than ever. The night was perfect for Halloween, cold and spooky. I know trick or treat has a bad reputation here, but it is undeserved. It is a nice ritual of sharing, showing to your neighbours that you have a sense of community, that you trust them and they can trust you, and that they can come for help when needed. Sharing food, even candies, is a beautiful, selfless jesture.
Oh, never mind, I watched
Halloween tonight and I have my own Jack O'Lantern. And since it is still relatively early, I can read a few horror stories before going to bed. I celebrate Halloween, but as an adult.
Great story Guillaume... that was sad.. all the kids are out and about here... we don't get as many as we wish cause we live up on a steep hill ... most everybody congregrates on main street...
glad to hear you celebrated it though.. at least you haven't lost the spirit...
my husband John grew up and lived in Montreal till he was about 13.. he loved Halloween there...
unfortunately he never learned to speak French...
Hairy Scary Halloween, to you!!!
Happy late Halloween, and you may absolutely use "trick or treat" as a verb :).
Thank you both. I hope you had a good Halloween too. And Gwen, Halloween in Montreal, especially on the Plateau Mont-Royal where I lived, was simply brilliant. Lots of kids, lovely displays, and the atmosphere was perfect.
ah, but you do still have "the guy" on Bonfire Night to look forward to!
Thanks to the God in my country there is no Hallowen !! I'm so scared..!
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