We went to Wallingford recently and we had a few walks there. In one of these walks, I saw this pub ensigne: The Old Nags Head. Strangely enough, it's "Old Nags" and not "Old Nag's". Be that as it may, it looked great and it was such a cool name for a pub. it makes a change from The King's Head, The Queen's Head, The Duke of This or The (Insert Colour) Lion. I thought we could stop there for a quick pint and then go our merry way. Alas, we were sorely mistaken: The Old Nags Head is no longer a pub, but a private residence. We nearly walked in someone's kitchen. Whoever had this idea was an architectural sadist.
We The People
4 weeks ago
1 comment:
I would have thought it was a pub too!
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