Picture taken in Totnes in Devon. We are far from Egypt, but the image kind of goes with this post's topic. It is now old news, without making a bad pun, but I wanted to mention it here:
they have reopened the sarcophagus of "cursed"
Pharao Tutankhamun so they can save the coffin which is falling apart. I have always been into ancient history, but not nearly as fascinated into Ancient Egypt as I was with Ancient Greece, or even Ancient Rome. Yet I had some interest in Egyptian history: when there was a
Ramesses II exhibit in Montreal back in 1980 something (I visited it) and it did trigger some interest from me. I learned a thing or two about the Egyptians following this visit. So I hope the millennial sleep of the forever young King Tut is not too troubled by the recent events and that they manage to restore his coffin.
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