Since Halloween is coming, I thought I would put here, from Phylactère Cola, a brilliant parody of the brilliant Nosferatu. The best parodies, the only good ones actually, show genuine love for the source material. This is why I find Phylactère Cola so brilliant: they don't make fun of the genres they parody, they pay homage to it. And a little addendum before you watch it: I once had a beer and chatted with the guy playing the corpse/vampire. We have a common friend.
We The People
1 week ago
Hi Guillaume....I just wanted to let you know that you are one of the winners in "The Halloween Tree" book Give-Away! Congrats on having your name pulled out of the hat. Go over to today's post to see all the details, and email me with whatever address you'd like it mailed to, or let me know if you'd like to pass on your win, and I'll choose another name in your place!
I know you are an avid reader, so it may not be a great masterpiece, but I really think you'll appreciate Bradbury's nostalgic love for his favorite holiday!
Oh Wendy thank you! Why would I pass such a chance? If you don't mind sending it all the way to England, I certainly would love to receive it!
Oh what a hilarious video! I love the 'damsel' in distress. Lol. I wonder how that guy, the one you shared the beer with managed to keep so stiff, and still? Thank you so much for the laughs Guillaume:-)
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