I was quoting a few months ago a latin quote: "
Nulla dies sine linea". I try to blog every day, one post in French, one in English. I want to keep this blog alive. And I feel right now, with a bit of anxiety, that I am out of inspiration. I feel tired, maybe it's because it is Sunday evening, I don't know. Maybe it's the house chores that took too much time and energy and it got to me. But when I'm looking forward, I feel like there might not be many posts for the next days. I hate this feeling, but I feel drained. I hope the next weeks and autumn bring inspiration. But if my readers don't find many posts, there is no need to worry. I am alive and well, but my mind is blank.
Ah, le syndrôme de la page blanche. Viens-donc faire un tour par ici, j'ai un cadeau de fête qui t'attend depuis des lunes. Et tu pourrais ploguer ton cousin qui a publié récemment un livre de fiction dont quelques histoires ne nous sont pas inconnues (pourquoi ne pas parler d'Arvida, d'Agatha Christie, Stephen King, le monstre du sentier du golf, nos parties de l'Oeil Noir, notre mondial de soccer 1992, le hockey bottine dans l'entrée chez grand-maman Mado, etc?). Tu pourrais toujours essayer de le rattraper côté publication...
The worst thing you can do is try to force inspiration, and perhaps take comfort in the ebb, and flow of the seasons. The earth too must rest. I hope that your energy returns, and when you feel ready to write again you will do:-)
I used to feel the same way. Determined to post every day. Often searching for ideas. But I've found that I enjoy it more when an idea arises spontaneously from something I see or do, rather than as the result of an anxious search for material. Even though those ideas don't arise every day.
Do what works best for you and results in your continued enjoyment of the blog. I always look forward to reading your posts, however frequent or infrequent. :)
Well, as you can all see it was a false alarm, I think I got enough blogging ideas for the next few days at least. But thank you all for your kind words.
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