Today I had to go to a shopping center, something I usually hate, hate, hate. It was not a bad experience today, because it was relatively short. And it was a fruitful one: I got a warm coat, something I had been needing for a while. I am prepared for the chilling days now.
As usual, I stopped in the nearest bookstore, in this instance a Waterstone's hoping to treat myself. It was not a strange experience as I thought it would be a few weeks ago, but it was not as satisfying as it usually is for me in a bookshop. Case in point: I didn't buy anything. It is far from my favourite Waterstone's: too small, not enough choice, usually too crowded (that I was expecting, but still). There was a section for "autumn reads", which I thought was a neat idea, but it was pretty much only crime fiction. Let there be no ambiguity: I love crime fiction. But surely, there should be horror books among them, for autumn reads? The horror section of this shop was quite poor and plagued by vampire romance. I need to find a better bookshop.
We The People
1 week ago
I will not not not read a Twilight book! Vampires don't fall in love.
I hear ya.....the Twilight thing does nothing for me....give me Lovecraft or Poe....or Barker....any day!
I blame Anne Rice and Joss Whedon. And I will write a short story called Dusk about what I think of vampires and romance. I got the full synopsis, I just need the time...
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