Saturday 29 April 2017

Witches for the Ticklers

Tomorrow is Walpurgis Night, April's version of Halloween and one of the things that makes me bite my time and stay patient until Halloween. To celebrate it, I have started reading horror stories, something I rarely do this time of year. I have also, in a spur of the moment thing, bought some key-rings for the Ticklers that are basically witches figures. One fiery orange, one creepy green. We went downtown to the French market, there were other stands with non French products, I saw the key-rings and the two witches, we bought them. Just before we got home, we stopped at their place to give it to them. They were grateful as ever. Sometimes I wonder if we don't spoil them too much. Then again, they have the same wild imagination as I have, the same love for Halloween and they like me find time long before our favorite time of year. So I explained about Walpurgis Night (although they remembered about it) and told them the witches were sort of to celebrate it.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

A sweet gesture for the girls!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

good job done!