Blogue d'un québécois expatrié en Angleterre. Comme toute forme d'autobiographie est constituée d'une large part de fiction, j'ai décidé de nommer le blogue Vraie Fiction.
Tuesday, 11 April 2017
How to look younger (Snoopy's wisdom)
I haven't blogged about Snoopy and the Peanuts gang in a long while. I thought next time would be on the Easter Beagle, but no. It is a joke that reminds me that it is my birthday soon and that I will be forty. So anyway, this was on my Memories on Facebook today and it felt both hilarious and very relevant to my situation. I may be getting old, but Snoopy is forever young.
Québécois originaire du Saguenay expatrié en Angleterre à cause d'un mariage avec une Anglaise.
Quebec expatriate living in England because he married an English woman.
Lo! The Big Four Oh approacheth! Cower, ye mortal.
LOL! Very cute! The big 40!! Happy Birthday!
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