Monday 31 August 2009

L'homme qui a vu l'ours

English below, in the usual fashion of rewriting of the previous French post... (And I say usual, but I noticed that I don't write bilingual posts anymore, sadly).

Je fais un autre retour sur le voyage à Vancouver, si vous trouvez le texte ennuyeux au moins vous aurez les photos pour vous garder éveillés. J'ai eu l'occasion lors de notre visite à Grouse Mountain de voir des ours en semi-captivité. J'aime les animaux en général, y compris et les ours, envers lesquels je me sens certaines affinités. Comme eux, je suis maintenant à 80% végétarien (àa cause des circonstances), j'ai un faible pour les baies sauvages (framboises, bleuets) et les pommes, enfin tout ce qu'on cueille à la fin de l'été ou l'automne, et comme eux je suis friand de saumon (d'accord, je ne le mange pas cru et je ne le pêche pas, mais quand même). Et puis c'est une espèce qui est peut-être plus que toute autre dans les latitudes nordiques associée à l'état sauvage. D'en voir de si proche m'a fait un certain effet. Ca m'était déjà arrivé dans divers zoos, mais c'est toujours aussi impressionnant. Je ne sais pas si les photos leur rendent justice, mais ce sont des bêtes magnifiques, surtout lorsqu'elles ont la montagne pour environnement.
Here is another little post about our trip to Vancouver, if you find my prose boring you will have the pictures to keep you interested, I think. When we went to Grouse Mountain, we had the chance to meet (well, to see), two bears that were in semi-captivity. I love bears. Well, I love animals in general, but bears I love them a lot. They represent maybe more than any other animal Northern wildlife. I also have a lot in common with them: I am 80% vegetarian (it's circumstantial), I like ''wild'' berries (raspberries, blueberries) and apples, anyway whatever we can pick at the end of summertime or during autumn, I also love salmon (although not raw). I have seen them often before in zoos, but it is always impressive to be able to watch them from so close, especially with such a background.

1 comment:

The Artful Gypsy aka Wendy the Very Good Witch said...

Sounds like you all had a nice vacation. I would like to visit Canada one day. We finally put in for our passports about a week or so now I will begin to concentrate on some of those places I've always wanted to visit in other countries. And I rather like bears too, mainly because I think they are cute. But they are also playful like dogs which is neat.

A friend of mine who lives about 10 min. away just posted some pics of a black bear that came into their yard in a big neighborhood. It backs up to a state park and the bears have taken to going to people's houses and getting in their garages and their garbage. Her photos showed him standing up on his back legs, scratching his back on a tree...ha!