I am very bored these days, as unemployment has taken its toll on me and I am really bored to death in nowhere town. Well, my wife and I
do keep ourselves busy, but weekdays are long, long, long, and they end up being very exhausting even when I don't do much. That's the problem about being unemployed: one feels like he "works" without a salary, whatever the efforts he makes they are, in essence, fruitless. And the longer it is, the more exhausting it gets. I have sometimes the feeling that a vampire is sucking my energy and my morale. So I am not so happy these days. I guess this is partially why I blog: because it helps me keep my sanity. Of course, I don't have much of a readership, but writing makes me feel less schizophrenic by putting my thoughts in the outside world. So I make an effort to blog at least once a day, I try to be as interesting as possible. Because a mind is like a shark: if it stops moving, it drowns.
Lâche pas la patate. Tu trouveras bien quelque chose un jour (bientôt on l'espère tous). Ma blonde est dans le même bateau en ce moment. C'est chiant mais ça passera.
Je sympathise. Quand je cherchais une job et que j'en trouvais pas, qu'on ne retenait pas mon cv... j'étais pas mal dépressif. On dirait que tout devient difficile. Juste passer au travers de la journée devient un exploit.
Lâche pas. Ça devrait bien débloquer.
I hesitate about commenting but to show solidarity:
When my brother lost his job, and was without work for a year, he said he had to treat looking for a job as a job in itself. It is very competitive in the UK.
I know you have good ideas about how to progress, and VC's a bit of an expert on job search. You have such talent and commitment that it will come right.
One thing that kept me occupied during my long bouts of unemployment a few years ago was picking up running. It was completely opposite what I had ever done before, but I found it quite satisfying, especially when I obligated myself to finish 5 km because I had signed up for it...
It appears your 'readership' reared its head on this one.
No one wants you to give up searching nor to despair.
All the comments you received are useful but especially the one about running - or at least taking up some physical challenge to ward off things......
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