Wednesday, 23 March 2022

Table Football

I went to the office last week, as you know. And surprise surprise, there was in one of the common room a table football. Or, as we call it where I come from, babyfoot. My bros also called it foosball, I think that latter term comes from Friends. In the city where I come from, here was a bar that had one just like that and it was quite popular to its customers, far more than the sport. I never cared about it much: it find it rather slow and clunky, with little possibility of movement. And I'm rubbish at it. Even for table games, I prefer table hockey. You know, the proper stuff. That said, it does make for a friendlier office.

1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yeah, I think "foosball" is the American term for it.