Our family went to a walk last weekend in a piece of woodlands nearby. Wolfie decided to startpicking up sticks. Bits of branches that had fell during the last spell of windy days we had, thanks to Storm Eunice. He was very eager to get them all. One ofthem, shaped vaguely like a gun or a rifle, he pretended it was just that, a gun, with a small stick he had as ammo. Wolfie then shot at zombies he decidedto pretend were roaming free around us. I think he got that idea from his friends at school and from videogames. But it was quite fun and it made the walk all the more entertaining. Even though, as the amount of sticks increased, I ended up carrying them. Some branches were probably big enough to be used as canes by my wife or me. In the end, we brought them all back home. I placed them in the garden. Hopefully they can be used as prop for future games.
We The People
1 week ago
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