Monday 12 January 2015

Heavy Monday and Italian wisdom

I had an exhausting day today, a Monday like they are too often. And it was so grey and dark and gloomy outside too! A few minutes ag0, I posted on my Facebook wall that Mondays should be abolished. My Italian friend (the one who lives in Italy, not the one here) commented: "Come sono pesanti i lunedi". Translated pretty accurately (I think) by myself: "How heavy I feel on Monday." Then she wrote something that was really enough to make you feel down, but was again spot on: "Two Mondays of the year gone, fifty more to endure." I cannot praise enough Italian wisdom: she just gave me two great unknown lines. Anyway, here's to one heavy Monday gone.


Nellie said...

This Monday is giving us rain, rain, and more rain! Very gray outside.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

this is what is so great about retirement!