Thursday 24 July 2008

In the mood for a burger and some ice cream

I will be in London tomorrow. And I am still bored of the city. Oh well, better make the best of it. I don't know if it's the hot summer day, but today I am in the mood for a burger. I am feeling quite famished actually. I think I haven't eaten red meat for a month now, so I need a quick fix, and it's not the local Wimpy that can provide it. I just have this idea of a nice, juicy burger. In London, there is the Hamburger Union I want to try, so I might try it and to Hell with Fish Friday. I wish I could get a burger from Frite Alors!, or l'Anecdote (probably my favorite), or El Dorado (not bad either, but I see them nowhere on the menue on their website), or... Or I might just get some burger in the nearest Wetherspoon. It's cheaper and I'll rather try new restaurants with my wife.

In the meantime, I haven't had ice cream in months and with this heat that would be the right dessert. Again, London is the right place for that. When we started dating, my wife and I, we got a really decadent sundae in a place called Ciao, around Picadilly Circus. We haven't gone back there, even though we have wanted to repeat the experience since we started dating.

And yes, it is another food entry.


Anonymous said...

Bonjour Guillaume,

Que ce soit vérité ou fiction, une cruelle omission a ici été commise. A moins que tu n'y aies jamais été bien entendu, comment ne pas citer La Paryse parmi les El Dorado et Frites Alors de ce monde? Cela dit, lorsque nous avons envie d'un burger, mon épouse et moi optons plus souvent qu'autrement pour un endroit où (contrairement à La Paryse) il ne faudra pas faire la queue (attaque/crise oblige) et c'est sur Mam' Bolduc ainsi que El Dorado que nous jetons notre dévolu. Probablement moins onéreux qu'à Londres aussi ;-)

Bravo pour ton blogue et bon assouvissement de ta fringale!

Guillaume said...

Je n'ai pas mentionné La Paryse pour la simple raison que je n'y suis jamais allé (ce que je devrai régler lors de mon prochain séjour à Montréal).