...and, to my great sadness, of Picadilly Circus. I used to love it, but I have been there too often and now it is really getting me. I spent an hour there today, and while I used to enjoy it's frantic atmosphere, I now can't stand its crowd, its tourists and its tacky souvenirs shops. It's out of price, it's stinks and it's worse when it's hot like today. I need to take a long holiday from London before I reconciliate myself with it. Give me Liverpool any day, but London will be off the radar for a while for me now.
That's a sign that you have to hunt out the good parts of London, those that are't overrun with tourists and stink
Va donc faire un tour à Cambridge, ça d'l'air que c'est ben beau par-là. Père et mère ont bien aimé.
J'ai vu Cambridge assez souvent, mais ce n'est pas la porte à côté quand je voyage durant la semaine c'est par nécessité.
Certain parts of London's West End are still worth visiting, such as Chinatown (it's also the only part of town where you won't be ripped off for a meal). Hampton Court & Richmond Park are always pleasant. They haven't lost their appeal. As for Picadilly Circus & Leicester Square, I've always been mystified by their popularity. Ah, Liverpool, now you're talking, Guillaume! Our Chinatown is just as good as London's from a culinary viewpoint. Lark Lane is a hidden gem, as you probably know. We've still got four months left of culture year, so get the train to Lime Street & head straight to The Grapes for a pint!
I think I'm just fed up of London for the time being, so I don't feel in the mood to explore it more. But I have been to its Chinatown in the past. Not so often to Liverpool's Chinatowm, to my great shame, but then again I think I never explore the city enough. I had probably the best St-Patrick's day there and the best nights out.
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