I went to WHSmith today to buy some notepads (I rarely go to WHSmith to buy books as they hardly have anything interesting, especially the shop here). After I paid for my things, the cashier gave me a 20% back to school voucher. I was shocked. I mean, already? I have been on holidays for barely more than a week and they already give back to school vouchers? I am not quite on holidays yet and they already want to give me the August blues. Okay, it is going to be August soon, but still. I guess I should be glad they don't advertise Christmas yet. Still, this is awfully early.
Okay, a few more minutes to prepare tomorrow's interview and I am closed for the night.
We The People
4 weeks ago
Ah, ce bon vieux mois d'août. Peut-être est-ce une contraction d'aigre-doux(évidemment non, ça vient d'Auguste), en tout cas en anglais on peut dire qu'août est bel et bien bittersweet . Le mien va être très occupé. Et oui, ici aussi, il y a déjà des annonces pour la rentrée des classes. Mais on est en vacances depuis un mois et une semaine. Et torrieu, j'ai encore manqué la Sainte-Anne.
Good luck!
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