Sunday 13 December 2015

Domino and the Christmas tree

As I mentioned in my French post yesterday , I bought the Christmas tree and put it up. I have not decorated it yet. I was anxious about Domino, as I have heard and read a few stories regarding cats and Christmas trees. I was afraid he might decide to claw it, climb on it, eat the branches, etc. Well, so far so good: after smelling it curiously, he seems comfortable with the tree and even had a few naps at its feet. We will see what happens when we put up the decorations later. I will keep an eye on this naughty cat. That said, as I had always wanted to share Christmas with Odin, I promise I will not be grumpy if Domino decides to munch something.


Rustic Pumpkin said...

I hope Domino stays cool with the tree. If he disappears, check higher up the branches as my friend's cat took to taking naps, well hidden, balanced in the foliage!

Anonymous said...

we always tied the tree to the wall, just in case our cats climbed the tree, which they always did, it was just part of Christmas, lol,

Cynthia said...

Akira likes to sleep under the Christmas tree, it's so cute! Other times he likes to play with the decorations as if they were balls ... then I'm not too happy!

Ms Misantropia said...

We had some tree problems when the cats were younger, but this year our boy cat just went right up and peed on it and that was that...

jaz@octoberfarm said...

my cats always climbed my xmas trees!