Wednesday 1 January 2014

Gloom and doom

This is the first day of the new year and here it is cool, wet, rainy and windy. I shouldn't complain: in Québec it seems that it will be around minus 30 in many places. Still, there is the snow there, and I think I prefer a cold, snowy January to this gloomy wet weather. I think that today I will stay in. Happy new year everyone.


jaz@octoberfarm said...

i love that kind of weather! i love anything except sunny and hot. stay in and have a warm and comfortable new year day!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Happy New Year, Guillaume! Yes, most of Canada is caught in a Siberian cold spell right now. At night, temperatures with wind chill are reaching -45 to -50 in some places.

PJ said...

Ils annoncent -40C ce soir à Chicoutimi. Sans compter le facteur vent qui ne sera pas important par contre.

Anonymous said...

good idea, its very cold here, minus 30, Happy New year to you!