The treasures one can find in seond-hand bookshops. Even new novels, it seems. I am on holidays in Montreal, and this morning I went around on the avenue Mont-Royal.My first stop was in the nearest second-hand bookshop I could find. They seem to have flourished since the time when I was living here, there are many more anyway. And I saw in the English section
Miss Montreal by
Howard Shrier. I think I had read about it before, from the Thrilling Detective website entry on
Jonah Geller, the main character. I bought the book immediately. Montreal is maybe the most underrepresented and underrated city in crime fiction, yet the ideal setting for it (read
here for my views on this). So I am so glad I find one where this city, my city, is featured proheminently.
have a winderful time in montreal? do you have snow? make sure to get some of those wonderful bagels!
Yes, there is snow, and cold. I will, as soon as they open after their renovations.
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