Wednesday 6 February 2013

Crimes and places (and Deon Meyer)

I was thinking about this post about the Swaziland coin that ended up in my pocket, and wondering where I had heard of Swaziland before. And then I (re)discovered, or remembered that it is mentioned in Blood Safari, the crime fiction novel by Deon Meyer I am reading at the moment. Boy I can be clueless. Deon Meyer is high on my list of crime writers, although not nearly as high as George Pelecanos. I follow him on Facebook, where I learnt he is shooting a movie in Loxton. Loxton is also, incidentally, mentioned in Blood Safari. I have now a strange feeling of familiarity reading about those places, one because I have a coin from there as a lucky charm, the other because I can now see on Facebook all the pictures the author has the kindness to share with his readership. Crime fiction suddenly takes a different colour, texture, something more palatable, if that makes any sense.


Anonymous said...

I like to read crime fiction too. I've been on an Agent Pendergast kick for awhile now, books by Lincoln/Preston.

Guillaume said...

SO many authors I need to discover, thanks for the tip.