Tuesday, 7 January 2025

Five Guys?

 We went to the cinema recently and found out that there is a Five Guys next to it. Now I have never been to a Five Guys restaurant, but I'm a sucker for a good hamburger and chips, especially the gentrified takes on McDonald's. And I have heard good things about it. So anyway, we did not really have the time to go there and we are trying to detox from all the rich holiday food anyway, but I think we might make a trip there at some point to spoil ourselves. I was wondering if any of my readers have been to a Five Guys and what they think of the food and the experience.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I've never been, but I know they are popular!

PJ said...

C'est pas pire, dans le un cran mieux que du fast food mais pas donné. Mieux que In-N-Out. À essayer au moins une fois.