Spring, especially when it is such a nice one like this one (so far anyway), makes people all happy like they had never seen one. I feel like this too, on a good day. However, as I work in the domain of education and said work is often, like now, temporary and contractual, there is a
sword of Damocles that prevents me for appreciating it fully. My contract will end soonish and I am already looking for a new job. Being unemployed is no holiday, even during summertime: you work just as much as if you were employed, it is just as stressful, but you don't get paid for all your pain and suffering. So I can't help but feeling anxious these days.
Looking for a job is like a full-time job and, as you say, an unpaid one. I hope you find something soon so you can relax and enjoy the spring and summer.
Thanks (and sorry I'm late a replying).
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