Since yesterday, it has been ridiculously windy. It is Storm Isha's doing, apparently. BBC Weather even gave a yellow warning of wind, ending today at noon. So far, we've been all right, touch wood. I love windy days, so I am not complaining. As long as I can stay in the comfort of home, I actually enjoy stormy weather. For me, it's like Mother Nature is giving a free show and it is the best excuse to not go out without feeling guilty about it. Please feel free to give me your own take on it in the comments section. In any case, if it is windy where you are, or stormy, or both, stay home, stay safe and try to enjoy it. I know I will.
We The People
2 weeks ago
I wish they wouldn't name weather systems. We had high winds until after midnight. Today its just blustery.
i love nothing better than a good storm. i wish we had more of them. i do not like losing power though. we had your weather about 4 days ago and it was wicked good.
Stay home, stay snug!
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