Sunday 9 June 2024

Sharing Mozart and chocolates

I received this bag of Mozartkugelns (or maybe Mozartkugels? I never know for sure) for my birthday. A good idea of my wife. So this is my stock of special Mozart chocolates. Which I decided to share with Wolfie. Well, no, to be frank, Wolfie decided that sharing them with him would be a swell idea. However, there is a condition to it: whenever we eat them, we must listen to Mozart's music. He is getting quite cultured. Anyway, I thought I cannot share this picture without sharing a bit of music to go with it. Here is a lesser known aria of Amadeus, Voi avete un cor fedele, sung by Regula Mühlemann. I hope you enjoy.

1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Mozart and chocolates are both heavenly! Enjoy!