Tuesday 25 June 2024

Bracing Myself

 Well, I guess it could not stay like this forever. Up until this point, summer had been fairly cool, or at least reasonably warm. Nothing to cry home about, everything very bearble. Well, not anymore. Yesterday was hot, today will be hotter, in fact, they are forecasting a heatwave. I checked on the BBC and the region we are in will not be spared. Thankfully, there is no amber warning... for now. We should stay just below 30 degrees. Then if we are lucky, it will go a few degrees down and be tolerable again this weekend. I hope so... Until then I am bracing myself for the next few days and the heat from the pit of hell we will have to live through.


jaz@octoberfarm said...

welcome to my world. we just went through 10 days of triple digits. i just can't.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Stay cool! If that's possible.

Gwen Buchanan said...

haahaa, we have been living thru the heat of hell since April. parched and dry till a couple days ago and finally blessed rain