Tuesday 14 May 2024

Early (or late?) Jack O'Lantern

 We went to the local toy shop this weekend, to buy a gift for a friend of Wolfie. I love to go there and I try not to buy anything for myself, or for him, when we are on a mission like it was the case then. But I found this kind of plush toy (not sure of the name). A Jack O'Lantern. With a witch hat. I wonder if it is an early sign of Halloween, or just some old stock from last year. It is probably the latter, but all the same. I will take it as a sign of Halloween to come. Less than six months now.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

It's on its way!

Alison said...

Its never too early to start expanding your Halloween decoration collection. You did buy the item, yes? I'll be very disappointed if you didn't.