Thursday 30 May 2024

Of Teas and Trains

 You may remember last month, when I blogged about my wife buying me for my birthday a tin box of teabags with the the Flying Scotsman on it. She bought it for the train, not the teabags, but it turned out the tea is delicious as well. So I wanted to know what brand of tea it is (lots of alliterations here). My wife found out that it was New English Teas. They also have loads of boxes like this, with other gorgeous images. That said, I don't think you can beat the Flying Scotsman. Drinking tea goes well with every mean of transport, for every journey. But it always tastes better on a train.


Alison said...

Isn't that train still in operation? I sure hope so because I love a good steam engine!

Debra She Who Seeks said...
