Saturday 25 May 2024

Locomotion in Shildon

Oh the things you learn thanks to the internet and social media. I stumbled upon this piece of info, which I intend to work on. Anyway, yesterday, I found out that there is a railway museum called Locomotion (fitting name if there is one) in the town of Shildon. I did not know about this town or its museum before yesterday. However, as I love old English towns almost as much as I love trains, I intend to learn more about both. I am not sure how they are easy of access, but I think they could make for a nice visit in our next holidays in the country. Just a thought. Anyway, if there are any railway lovers among you who visited Locomotion, tell me in the comments if it is worth a look. And those who know Shildon itself (either as visitors or even locals), please let me know in the comments. Worth a visit?

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