Friday 17 May 2024

Say it with Champagne

 I mentioned two days ago that I was celebrating my work anniversary: I have been three years in my job. My bosses are very happy with me, or so it seems: they thanked me by sending me this bottle of Veuve Clicquot. A genuine, authentic Champagne, not just a fizzy wine. I must be doing something right. I was expecting something, but not this. So I was overjoyed when the delivery man knocked at my doorto hand me this bottle. It's not only to celebrate my three years, it is also because the project I am on has been extended and even expanded. I was profusely thanked for my hard work this week and they told me how thankful they were with the work I have done for them. Well, it is sweet in itself, but it is made all the sweeter as more than four years ago, I was in a different job, which I hated. I put the Veuve Clicquot in the fridge and drinking it this weekend to celebrate will be oh so sweet!


Lady M said...

A nice bottle of bubbles is always a treat.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Nice gift! But the praise and acknowledgement are even better!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

way to go! it is so nice to receive such praise. enjoy your bubbly!

Alison said...

Happy Work Anniversay! I love a good bottle of champagne.