Saturday 18 January 2020

The Mars bar, with extra caramel

I am a big fan of Mars bars. I have been for years. What I particularly love about Mars bars is how extremely indulgent the whole mix is: caramel and nougat coated in chocolate. For me, it is the quintessential sugary dessert snack, the one that boost your endorphin level automatically, as long as you forget about the calory intakes. It is the worst chocolate bar, it is the best chocolate bar. Recently, I had the opportunity to try one of its variations. I received in my Christmas stocking Caramel Mars bar, where it is all caramel inside, without nougat. It was enjoyable, but it did not taste as nice. The classic Mars bar has a balance that is lost here. Still good, for one who likes caramel, just not as enjoyable an indulgent experience.

1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

As with most things, you can't beat the original!