Sunday 2 April 2023

Canada Goose in London

Interesting sight when we were walking in London: we saw the ensign of a Canada Goose shop. Interesting, because I don't think I have ever seen one in Canada. Come to think of it, I have rarely seen anyone wearing their clothes in Canada. We did not go in. I was curious about their pricing, probably prohibitive (especially in London), but in the end, I don't see the point: I'm more of a Kanuk ind of guy (which I blogged about before, by the way). Cheaper, but just as good, from what I have been told. And Québec made. Also, as much as I like geese, I find them kind of meh as the symbol of a brand. Why not Canada Bear, or Canada Wolverine? Canada Moose even. I don't know. If you have any Canada Goose products, tell me about your experience with the brand and what you think of it.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Too expensive for me!

Alison said...

I hadn't heard of Kanut until now. I have noticed that once a brand that started out as more niche, suddenly becomes "fashion", the price tage jets upward. Funnily enough, we tend to favour non Canadian brands in this house; Scarpa, Hanweg, Raab, Marmot and Berghaus.