Quick blog post to celebrate one anniversary: my wife and I have been married for 14 years today. The end of August is kind of fitting for a wedding day: it is a month of changes and transition. We probably will not do all that much to celebrate this year, being in the middle of the working week. Also, we are busy preparing Wolfie (and ourselves!) to his first year of school. We might do something bigger for our fifteen years anniversary. Once you have children, every anniversary becomes all about them in any case.
Blogue d'un québécois expatrié en Angleterre. Comme toute forme d'autobiographie est constituée d'une large part de fiction, j'ai décidé de nommer le blogue Vraie Fiction.
Tuesday, 31 August 2021
Hot doyes stimés
Monday, 30 August 2021
To rediscover Mary Shelley
Les tournesols à planter
Sunday, 29 August 2021
The smell of bonfire in the night
Last night for a few minutes, waiting for Domino to get back home, as he was out and about (he often is out and about). I could smell in the air bonfire. It might have been from pretty far away because I could not hear the fire and the smell was faint, but I could definitely smell it. Or maybe it was near and it was a neighbour burning incense or something. I love the smell of bonfire in the night. It's one of these things that I find very appeasing.
La marche nuptiale (Brassens)
Bon, aujourd'hui n'est pas mon anniversaire de mariage, mais comme on s'y approche et comme c'était l'anniversaire de mariage de mes parents récemment, j'ai en tête cette chanson de Georges Brassens, que je partage aujourd'hui. Les circonstances de mes noces étaient très différentes, beaucoup moins dramatiques (et puis je suis plus jeune que les époux de la chanson). Mais bon, c'est une façon de souligner tant mon anniversaire de mariage que celui de mes parents.
Saturday, 28 August 2021
Writing Workship from Zoom
Big news yesterday: the hostess of our writing workshop I used to go to before the pandemic broke down has had the brilliant idea to start it all over again, this time on Zoom. I had suggested it before and it was about bloody time we'd make a move about it. It will be the Saturday every six weeks for the time being. Otherwise it will be the usual: 2,000 words of a work each, we comment on it, give advices, etc. I haven't written all that much, since I am focusing on working on that draft I sent to my editor, but I have plenty of long short stories I want to share. Crime fiction, it goes without saying. That will give me something to look forward to and hopefully it will push me to write more and stop procrastinating.
Le Salon du livre en mode hybride
Bonne nouvelle rérionale: il y aura une 57e édition du Salon du livre du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean. Du 27 septembre au 3 octobre, le moment idéal dans l'année., juste au coeur de l'automne. J'ai appris aussi dans un article du Quotidien qu'elle sera en version hybride, donc virtuellement ainsi qu'en chair et en os (et en papier). C'est mieux que rien. Je m'ennuie du Salon du livre à chaque année.
Friday, 27 August 2021
A Railway Book
Une photo de la Sûreté du Québec
Quest for Tea
Here is another post on my favourite non alcoholic drink, I hope you don't mind. You may remember a tea company I blogged about back in 2016, called Jollybrew. Jollybrew sadly got bankrupted, or disappeared suddenly: the website ceased to exist and they suddenly got silent on social media. I think it was around 2019. I was really sad: once it was everywhere around here, in local shops and cafés, then suddenly Jollybrew was gone. But two days ago, as I was browsing through my blog, I clicked on the old link to Jollybrew and lo and behold, it lead to a new tea company, called... the Journey Tea Company. So it appears that they resurrected the old Jollybrew into this new entity, also based in Thame (lovely town by the way). And they must have at least some of the same blends. So now I have a new quest: find products from the Journey Tea Company.
Les animaux de nuit
Thursday, 26 August 2021
Sure sign of autumn
Image du temps qui passe
Wednesday, 25 August 2021
The Great Resignation
I don't know if my readers have heard about it, but since the last fewmonths of the pandemic, there is a phenomenon on the job market that has been observed, called the Great Resignation. Basically, members of the workforce have been massively quitting their job, changing career and soon. It's funny, because I have been witnessing it in my current and last job. Heck, I have been part of it, in a way! But yes, this week a colleague in my team resigned due to personality clash and my direct manager found a better position somewhere else. And I counted another person resigning for a better job. I'm glad to know that the employees have the upper hand for now and maybe for a while. I'm happy with my job, but it's good to know there are options available. I remember how miserable I used to feel not solong ago. Now I feel more in control of my career.
"Entre le néant et le chagrin..."
"Entre le néant et le chagrin, j'aime mieux le lard, comme disent les Auvergnats". Ceci est une citation tirée de La position du tireur couché de Jean-Patrick Manchette. Je suis retombé sur celle-ci par hasard hier et ça m'a frappé comme c'était bon. Je me rappelle de l'histoire, mais c'est la prose de Manchette que je veux redécouvrir, parce que je ne crois pas l'avoir appréciée pleinement à l'époque. Je n'ai lu qu'un roman de lui, mais je devrais en lire plus, et relire La position un coup parti.
Tuesday, 24 August 2021
"Back to School" for real this time
Journal "intime"
Monday, 23 August 2021
About Afghanistan
I found this meme online and I thought it was very funny. I was wondering what to say about the Talibans taking over Afghanistan again, or indeed if I should say anything at all. And I thought this meme truly said it all. It was the most eloquent one. So this is all I'm going to say about Afghanistan. There are so many specialists about it, all of a sudden, I might as well not add into it.
Brio et Gousto
Pumpkin Chai and autumn
Sunday, 22 August 2021
The missing storm
I mentioned yesterday that they were forecasting a thunderstorm that day. The coming storm was one of the reasons why we decided to stay home and do as little as possible. I also wanted to witness it while inside. In the end, while we had a cloudy day, the thunderstorm did not show up. Today was sunny and warm, borderline hot, until the evening arrived. It ended up raining, but no lightningand no thunder. Therefore we missed the storm, or the storm missed us. In any case, I am disappointed. I love a good storm.
Kentish Red Ale
Saturday, 21 August 2021
Saturday at home
Happy Saturday everyone! How are you going to spend it? We did quite a lot of exciting things our last three weekends: see family and friends. But this one, at least today, we will most likely spend it in. Not because we are exhausted (although it is nice to stay in from time to time), but because they are forecasting thunderstorms and we'd rather not get caught in it. Beside, we have a lot of things to do on the home front, although I suspect we will do far less than what we have planned. But hey, sometimes it's good to be a bit lazy, especially during weekends. So anyway, a lazy (or not) Saturday in and a thunderstorm if we are lucky. What more to ask for?
Première oeuvre
Friday, 20 August 2021
Time for Lovecraft
I mention it on this blog every year: today is the birthday of H.P. Lovecraft. Maybe THE most important horror writer of the last century. For me, his birthday marks one important date in the countdown to the countdown to Halloween. I try to read at least one of his stories before my favourite holiday, generally around his birthday. Lovecraft also wrote great horror to read during summertime, not sure why but this is how I feel reading it. This year, I am not sure if I will read one of his original stories, but I am currently reading Lovecraft Country by Matt Ruff. Which I bought at £6.66.When I have finished this book, I will hopefully find time to watch the whole TV series adaptation, maybe even in time for Halloween. But I digress. One good thing about Lovecraft is that, in spite of his many flaws, among them his gross racism, antisemitism and homophobia, he nevertheless influenced a lot of writers, some of them capable of writing great horror based on the mythos he created.
Une épiphanie sur la tonte du gazon
J'ai tondu le gazon dans le jardin hier, après des semaines (des mois? je crois que ça datait de juin ou juillet) où j'avais laissé tout ça pousser. Je n'aime vraiment pas tondre le gazon, je n'aime pas le bruit, je n'aime pas avoir les jambes et les souliers couverts de gazon coupé, en fait j'aime quand il est assez long, allez savoir pourquoi. Et une fois la tonte terminée m'est venu une épiphanie: je coupe le gazon comme je coupe les cheveux de ma femme et de mon petit loup, c'est à dire tout croche et en amateur.
Thursday, 19 August 2021
The Devil's Bridge
Sometimes when I log on (in?) my laptop, either my personal one or my work computer, I see such lovely and picuresque picture, from some part of the world, and it makes me want to visit it. So yesterday, I discovered, thanks to Windows 10 a bridge in Germany called Rakotzbrücke, or "Devil's Bridge". It is a beautiful bridge in beautiful surroundings, but never mind that. It's the name I love. If I ever take holidays in Germany again, I want to go there. And I understand Devil's Bridge is a common term applied to many different bridges of a particular nature, but it's this one I want to see.
Un nom pour les cousins
Tiens, une question me taraude ces temps-ci. J'en ferai peut-être une question existentielle, mais elle n'est pas tant existentielle que circonstantielle: quels (sur)noms donner sur ce blogue aux cousins de Wolfie? Je parle du fils de mon frère Andrew et du fils de ma belle-soeur. Pour petit loup, c'est Wolfie. Pour ma femme c'est Veggie Carrie (même si elle ne blogue plus). Il faudra bien que je trouve un nom, comme nous allons sans doute interagir plus souvent avec eux avec le confinement qui se termine.
Wednesday, 18 August 2021
The birthday of Salieri
Today is the birthday of Antonio Salieri, born on the 18th of August 1750. Competent composer, he is ironically known for a muder he did not commit and which in fact was no murder at all. Is musical career got obscured because of that hot kid from Salzburg. Which would be a shame, but then again we have Amadeus and we can at least give him some credit for it. To commemorate his birthday and even celebrate the man, I have decided to show a scene from the original production of Amadeus, with the fictitious Salieri played by Paul Scofield. Just because. Oh and on a side note, Salieri was maybe the best music teacher of his time.
La récolte de pommettes
New Bookmark from Ashridge Estate
Citons François Villon
Je n'ai pas cité François Villon depuis un bon bout de temps, alors j'ai pensé le faire aujourd'hui. En fait, je veux reprendre comme tradition sur ce blogue de citer des poètes ou des écrivains, sans commenter outre mesure, juste pour faire réfléchir un peu. Qui plus est,je suis médiéviste de formation (quoique je ne sois pas spécialiste de Villon). Ce serait bien de bloguer plus souvent sur l'époque médiévale. Alors donc, voici la citation: "En grande pauvreté ne gît pas grande loyauté." Je n'ai jamais eu le malheur de vivre en grande pauvreté (touchons du bois), mais ça peut s'appliquer à bie des situations, comme par exemple un travail que l'on déteste (ce qui n'est heureusement plus mon cas), ou n'importe quel environnement où l'on est malheureux.
Tuesday, 17 August 2021
The office next door
We have an office building as one of our neighbours. Its parking is right behind our back garden. I don't know which companies owns it or rents it and who works there. Back when I was in the job I hated, I often daydreamt about working there, even though I was (and I am still) pretty clueless about what kind of business they do. It would have been a few minutes walk from home and I could have spent my lunch hour with my family. Sure, it might have been too close to home, but a really short commute also has its advantages. Since the pandemic, the office has been mostly empty, from what we can tell. Even now, when there is no lockdown like there was, the parking barely has any cars in. Six yesterday, eight last week. I count them with Wolfie sometimes. It used to be full. I don't know why, but when I see the lamost empty parking, it makes me feel good. Like daily commuting is now a thing of the past.
Nappe forestière
Monday, 16 August 2021
Waning August
Well, now half of this month is already over, done and dusted. Autumn is most definitely on its way. And although I am very much aware that it might be wishful thinking, I do think we just might have an early autumn. It is cooler than it generally is this time of year, for one, and it has been consistently for weeks. The temperatures rarely rise above lower twenties. Even when they do, we often get surprise bu a cool breeze that feels and smells autumnal. Like I observed at the beginning of the month, there are signs that generally herald autumn. Even the leaves have started changing colour in some places and generally this is a sure indication. But in any case, we are in the second part of August, so my favourite season is getting closer.
Voir l'escoufle
Sunday, 15 August 2021
D&Dr anniversary
Fruits des champs
Nouveau moment food porn pour vous, mes lecteurs, avec une photo gracieuseté de mon père. Il a acheté je ne sais pas trop où des fraises, framboises et mûres. Certaines sauvages, certaines cultivées. Je suis assez étonné pour les mûres: en Angleterre, tout le onde en mange, sous une forme ou une autre, au Québec en général et dans ma famille en particulier, il y a peu d'amateurs de mûres. Mais bon, c'est la saison, alors je partage.
Saturday, 14 August 2021
"Pata Pata"
In the last few months, I have developed an obsession with South African soprano Golda Schultz. Because she has an incredible voiceand because my wife is half South African, so I like to know more things about this country. So anyway, thanks to her I discovered on YouTube this very famous and very catchy tune from Miriam Makeba (whom I knew for other works, but that is for another post). Golda Schultz sings it here in a duet wih Rolando Villazon, it's full of joyful energy and it's absolutely irresistible.
Sept enfants ensemble
Nous sommes allés aujourd'hui rencontrer deux amies de ma femme qu'elle était à l'université. Deux amies, l'une a deux enfants, l'autre en a... quatre. Avec Wolfie, ça faisait sept enfants, de un an jusqu'à 9-10 ans. Je vais le dire sans ambage: c'est épuisant. Parce que tout adultes que nous sommes, nous nous trouvons dépassés en nombre. C'est la première fois depuis la naissance de la dernière que l'on se retrouvait tous ensemble. La première fois depuis ledébut de la pandémie également. Ce ne sera pas la dernière, mais j'espère que ce sera plus facile la prochaine fois.
To see Tintagel
"Tente" de branches
Friday, 13 August 2021
Friday the 13th
Today, we are Friday the 13th of August. It is a banal statement and I am not superstitious, but just because I like folklore (even when I don't believe in its veracity, I thought I would mention it here. It is also the one and only Friday the 13th of 2021, so those suffering from paraskevidekatraiaphobia should find this year rather relaxing. For those sufferent from triskaidekaphobia, 2021 is just as scary as any other year. If any of you suffering from either phobias read this post, please leave a comment.
La fréquence du rasage
J'ai appelé ma mère sur Facetime il y a quelques jours et elle était toute heureuse de voir que je m'étais rasé. Elle n'aime pas trop quand j'ai une barbe de deux jours. Une barbe de plusieurs jours qui pousse come du chiendent, elle aime encore moins. Tout ça pour dire que je me rase plus occasionnellement depuis que je travaille de la maison à cause de la pandémie. Mais comme je dois souvent être en vidéo, j'ai décidé de le faire plus fréquemment. Je ne veux pas avoir l'air d'un homme de Cro-Magon, disons.
Thursday, 12 August 2021
New Wolfism
Yesterday morning, Wolfie came up with the funniest Wolfism. He said, after the meeting I just had with my colleagues: "Daddy, daddy, you waste time at work while there's washing up that needs doing!" It is true that it had piled up, but for the record it was not that bad. He used to have other priorities regarding my work. Oh well. Now the washing up is done anyway. I think.
Wednesday, 11 August 2021
Time to buy a scarecrow?
Les poires mûrissent
Tuesday, 10 August 2021
Introversion, in a nutshell
Tarte aux bleuets
"How Things Work"
À propos des loups
Monday, 9 August 2021
The visiting wasps
As I work from home, I like as much as I can to keep the window open. It makes me feel close to the outside world and to nature, if that makes sense. I love to hear the wind blowing in the trees and the occasional red kite. But recently, I have been receiving some unexpected visitors which I could really do without: some wasps show up, generally in the middle of the afternoon. They fly through the open window, fly around the room, then leave... or not. They can stay quite a while. It once happened in the middle of a meeting, which startled me. I generally get rid of them quickly enough. They are a very minor nuisance for now and they only show up occasionally, nevertheless I hope they don't have a nest nearby.
Marcher sous la pluie
L'un des avantages de travailler de la maison, c'est qu'on peut vraiment décrocher lors de la pause du dîner du midi: on n'est plus entouré de collègues et on sent moins la présence du bureau, même s'il est tout proche.J'en profite parfois pour faire une promenade de quelques minutes. Un quartier résidentiel avec de la verdure, c'est aussi plus beau qu'un quartier industriel. Il a plu aujourd'hui, mais pas des trombes, juste une pluie fine. Je crois qu'un jour de travail, je préfère qu'il pleuve et je préfère marcher sous la pluie que sous le soleil. C'est plus reposant sous la pluie.
Proper Tea
Les Jardins du Casino
J'ai pensé mettre un peu de musique sur le blogue, rien que parce que j'avais cette chanson en tête (allez savoir pourquoi) et que je ne mets pas assez de Jacques Brel. Pas ma préférée ou sa plus célèbre, mais parfois la mémoire musicale a de ses caprices.
Sunday, 8 August 2021
A crash course in rugby
Yesterday, during our first family gathering for the first time since the pandemic (and before), I had the priviledge to receive my first ever crash course in rugby since I have been living in this country. My father-in-law is South African, thus his son, my wife's brother, is half South African, and they are both rugby fans. For them, rugby is serious business. As there was a game between South Africa and Britain, they of course decided to watch it. Both, of course, support the Springboks. It makes sense that Wolfie and I do too (to my wife's dismay, she remains, in this sport and others, loyal to England). I cannot say that I remembered all the terminology and would understand all the rules, but I could sort of follow yesterday's game between the Springboks and the Lions. I didn't watch it all as we had to go, but it was really entertaining. I wish I had tried to watch rugby years ago, because this was exciting to watch and, as brutal as it was, kind of elegant. I'm really glad Wolfie has some South African blood and has access to this culture through his mother's family. Oh and in the end the Springboks won. Go Bokke!
Des canards et des hommes
Saturday, 7 August 2021
Heralding autumn?
I am being careful, as I know August is still very young and it is a long way until next month. But all the same, my instinct (and I know it can be wrong) tells me that we might just have an early autumn this year. The temperature is overall cool for August, but more precisely there is just smething in the air that smells of the coming season.There is also something in the light of day that is almos autumnal. We're not there yet, but this year's August seems to be heralding autumn.
Question existentielle (372)
Une question existentielle théorique plus que pratique, car je sais ce que nous ferons aujourd'hui:
-Quoi faire lors de notre première vraie réunion familiale depuis le début de la pandémie, avec les grand-parents, les petits-enfants et tout le monde?
Friday, 6 August 2021
The green jumper that was not green (or was it?)
As I had mentioned a bit less than a month ago, I need new clothes, so I finally ordered them online. Not many, just a few articles. Among them, a green(dark olive green or forest green, or whatever kind of dark green it was jumper which I thought looked nice. A bit of context of anecdotal importance: I love green clothes, Wolfie loves green clothes (green being its favourite colour), but my wife hates green clothes, or the green colour in general. So I received the clothes yesterday and... The jumper was not green. It looked either black or navy blue, but certainly not green. I checked on the receit and it said I had purchased a green jumper, so it was not my mistake. My wife was quite happy as she thought it looked much better than she feared, but I wanted my green jumper, not a navy blue or a black jumper (I got enough of those), so I tried to get in touch with the shop via their chatline. As I was waiting for someone to answer me, Wolfie said: "But daddy, daddy, it IS a green jumper." And under a certain light, it actually was green. A very dark shade of green, but still. So in the end I went off the chat before someone could answer and I will not try to return the jumper. Wolfie was happy, I was happy, my wife was less happy. And I am now the proud owner of a green jumper that is not always green but really is green.
Mille-feuille ou mille-feuilles?
Thursday, 5 August 2021
About crab apples
Image allégorique de Piloé
Photo prise dans Les dires de Piloé, le livre de quatrième année de français que j'ai beaucoup aimé, assez pour demander à mon frère PJ de me l'acheter. C'est une image allégorique de la Justice, bien entendu, et je me rappelle encore que l'on en avait beaucoup discuté en classe. C'est beaucoup pour ça que j'aime ce livre et qu'il m'a autant marqué: on n'y lisait pas que des bons sentiments et des platitudes, c'était un livre vraiment éducatif et j'ai appris pas mal grâce à lui.
Wednesday, 4 August 2021
The reading owl
Poisson de bois
Tuesday, 3 August 2021
Preparing for school
I often say that having a boy as a child allows me to live a second childhood. Which is geat. But being a parent, I discover it these days, also means that one must live again, through your child, the anxieties of childhood, topped up with your own parental concerns. Case in point: my wife and I are working very hard to get Wolfie ready for his first year at school. Which means buying lots of official school clothes and lots of school stuff, all the while trying to sound enthusiastic to him.But I cannot help feeling that time is flying way too fast and that things were simpler when he was a litle baby.
Déjà le temps du bouilli
Monday, 2 August 2021
Tea, no milk
We have a newbie at work in our team since last week. She is from Poland, so that evenly put our team to two Brits and two foreigners, including yours truly. But I digress. In our first webcall with her, I saw that she was drinking tea from a gigantic cup. Like a bowl of soup with a handle.But what truly caught my attention is that it looked like tea, and not like tea blurred with milk. She confirmed that she htes milk in tea, as it spoils the taste. So I am glad I am not the only one thinking that. As milk in itself, let alone in tea, is utterly barbaric. Not it feels like I am not the only civilised person (or at least the only person with taste) in the office.
Ah! Les fraises et les framboises...
Mes parents, lors de leur séjour à Québec, ont acheté des fraises et des framboises, comme dans la chanson, au grand marché de Québec. Et ils en ont acheté autant que ça. Je regarde cette photo et je me dis que les portions anglaises sont faméliques.