I know I plugged it before, but today is the last day of #Noirvember, so if you're looking for a crime book for the month, ot maybe this month next year, I suggest The Last Hunt, by South African writer Deon Meyer. It is very dark, it has suspense, violence, political intrigue, in fact like many novels of Meyer, it mixes crime fiction with espionage, so it could just as easily be considered a spy thriller. Oh and it made me discover Rovos Rail, the luxury South African train company. I now want to travel the country in one of their trains. If only I had the money... But I digress: while the novel has a good deal of glamour (because said Rovos Rail), it is nevertheless very gritty, often grim, sometimes gloomy. Nevertheless, and again this is a staple of Meyer, there are as many good men (and women) as there are scheming, heartless bastards in The Last Hunt. It may be Noir, but there are lights that shine through.
Blogue d'un québécois expatrié en Angleterre. Comme toute forme d'autobiographie est constituée d'une large part de fiction, j'ai décidé de nommer le blogue Vraie Fiction.
Tuesday, 30 November 2021
Last Day of #Noirvember
Monday, 29 November 2021
Snow at last!!!
Well, I had heard snow was forecast, but I did not believe it, or at least I took it with a barrel of salt. But in the night of Sunday to Monday, it did snow, not much, but still, enough to cover some of the ground this morning. Doing the school run was hazardous, as there was black ice. But after leaving Wolfie at the gate, my wife and I stopped for a moment and I took a few pictures. This early, right before December, in this country, it is borderline sci-fi. I am starting to dream of a white Christmas. I know I should not, I will end up disappointed. But still. Winter is here.
La gratte...
Sunday, 28 November 2021
Grandad's Workshop
Butte de neige
Saturday, 27 November 2021
Will it snow today?
As I am typing this, BBC Weather has issued for the area we live ina yellow warning of wind and a yellow warning of... snow. Now I don't get my hopes up: amber or red warnings are generally reliable, something is bound to happen with them. But yellow warning could go either way, and we could only have some normally annoying nasty British rainy weather. And the Beebs tends to be dramatic when it comes to snow: they are quick to send alerts and in the end we only get a bit wet. But if it did, then I would be very, very, very happy, as it would mean winter is truly started and started properly. It has been very cold recently, at least for England this time of year. And there is that snowy smell in the air. We will probably stay in all day and do house chores, but if it does snow Wolfie and I will play in the garden and I will take a few pictures for here.
Le séisme de 1988 du Saguenay
Mon frère PJ m'a rappelé que le 25 novembre, c'était l'anniversaire du tremblement de terre de 1988 au Saguenay. J'avais bêtement oublié de le souligner. Qu'à cela ne tienne, c'est samedi, comme le lendemain de cette journée-là, enfin cette nuit-là quand ça s'est produit, il y a maintenant 33 ans. Je présente donc le bulletin de nouvelles de Radio-Can de l'époque pour en souligner l'anniversaire:
Friday, 26 November 2021
The Maltese Falcon for #Noirvember
Sept de douze (pâtés à la viande)
Ma mère m'a envoyé hier une photo des pâtés à la viande que mes parents ont préparé pour les Fêtes: en tout et pour tout, sept douzaines.Il faut ce qu'il faut, même si nous ne serons pas tous là cette année. Petit loup, c'est je crois ce qu'il a préféré comme met typiquement québécois de Noël, il a littéralement passé deux semaines à se bourrer la fraise de pâtés à la viande. Il faut dire que ceux que mes parents font sont vraiment bons.
Thursday, 25 November 2021
Ed McBain for #Noirvember
"The city in these pages is imaginary. The people, the places are all fictitious. Only the police routine is based on established investigatory technique."
This is of course the start of every novel from Ed McBain's 87th Precinct series. It always gives me shivers when I read this. November is almost over and it struck me that I haven't blogged all that much about #Noirvember. It is kind of ironic, come to think of it: I used to dislike that month and could not wait until it was over and start getting properly into a Christmas mood, now I think it's going too fast and I barely had time to read and share any crime fiction on this blog. Anyway, I have started reading Money, Money, Money by Ed McBain. The novel also fits my Christmas reading list, but I digress (more on that next month, obviously). I wanted to mention that any McBain is very fitting for #Noirvember, especially if you like police procedurals. Once I am finished with this 87th Precinct's story, I will probably hand it to my parents-in-laws, who both are avid readers of McBain, as I mentioned here. Heck, maybe I can hand them one or two McBains before the end of this month and in the meantime introduce them to #Noirvember!
La tire de la Sainte-Catherine
Tuesday, 23 November 2021
Mince pies cogs
Question existentielle (374)
Puis que je me suis réconcilié avec le mois de novembre, je me pose maintenant cette question existentielle:
-Est-ce que novembre a une mauvaise réputation non méritée?
Monday, 22 November 2021
Wolfie's new scarf
La petite école sous la neige
Sunday, 21 November 2021
Preparing my Yuletide reading
Le passage secret maintenant
Saturday, 20 November 2021
Mr Ripley for #Noirvember
La cuvée Ciné-cadeau 2021
Thursday, 18 November 2021
Preparing clothes for winter
Winter is coming: it is much cold outside, especially in the morning and at night.In fact, as far as England is concerned, since temperatures in this country don't change as much compared to mine, we can say that winter is practically here. It will probably get colder, but not by much. So I have now prepared my clothes for winter. Not autumn, but winter. English winter, that is. I got my winter boots out. I also bought new Thinsulate gloves at Mountain Warehouse and one new Thinsulate wolly hat (forest green, my wife hates it, but Wolfie wants to wear it too as he loves green), as well as more thick socks. Because I always end up short of thick socks as I use them a lot in winter. I think I'm now fully prepared. There is not many things I like more about winter than winter clothes.I love how heavy and comfy they feel.
Muffins au chocolat
Wednesday, 17 November 2021
How to Put a Duvet Cover On
Attendre la cuvée Ciné-cadeau
Bon, c'est officiel, la moitié du mois de novembre est passée et donc je commence à avoir hâte à Noël, enfin un peu. Graduellement. Et je commence à m'y préparer. Graduellement aussi. Je ne crois pas que nous irons au Québec cette année, ce qui ne m'empêche pas d'attendre avec impatience l'horaire de Ciné-cadeau cette année. À en croire le site de Télé-Québec, ils vont lancer l'horaire aujourd'hui (au moment où j'écris ces lignes, on y indique sur leur page que c'est le Jour 1 avant le lancement). Dans tous les cas, je devrais bloguer sur le sujet bientôt et commenter sur la cuvée 2021. Et je me ferai mon cinéma des Fêtes ici, avec ce que je peux trouver sur YouTube (chut!) et ailleurs. En espérant pouvoir partager un peu avec petit loup.
Tuesday, 16 November 2021
Wolfie's water bottle
There was a little bit of drama yesterday during the school run that got Wolfie quite upset. His mummy was carrying his water bottle and we were rushing as it was getting late. She dropped the bottle and the lid broke on the ground. Now this water bottle was kind of special to Wolfie. First, it was meant to be my one: it's an adult size one and adult looking (kind of black or charcoal grey) I bought at Mountain Warehouse. But as Wolfie's bottles were all leaking, we started using my one for him, as like all Mountain Warehouse products it's quality stuff and very reliable. Well, it turned out not quite as solid as we hoped. But Wolfie got really fond of it, maybe because he felt like he was using a grownup bottle. So for the next few days, to his dismay, we will have to use his least leaking one, until I buy a new water bottle in Mountain Warehouse, hoping to find the same model and the same colour.
Sunday, 14 November 2021
Veneziana Pizza
"Dites-le avec des fleurs..."
Saturday, 13 November 2021
The Dark Flood (#Noirvember?)
Une coupe en métal
Mon frère PJ a acheté cette coupe en métal à Berlin il y a presque dix ans. Je la partage ici aujourd'hui parce que je suis retombé dessus par hasard. Je n'ai jamais eu de coupe en métal jusqu'ici, mais j'ai toujours aimé de quoi elles ont l'air, surtout celles qui sont pseudo-médiévales comme celle-ci. Je trouve qu'elles ont de la gueule. Cela dit, je suis sceptique quand au goût de ce qu'on boit: me métal doit l'affecter au moins un peu et pas à son avantage.
Friday, 12 November 2021
Minnie Mouse and Brio train
Relire Corto Maltese
Thursday, 11 November 2021
"Lest we forget"
Soupe à la betterave
Wednesday, 10 November 2021
The French Connection for #Noirvember
It struck me that I haven't blogged much about #Noirvember and I thought I would do it today, very briefly. If you are looking for a crime movie to watch for the month, I would suggest The French Connection. Because it's a great film, but also because it is partially set near this time of year. It is one I try to watch every November. Its atmosphere just fits the month. Talking of atmosphere, listen to the music of the opening credit and tell me in the comments how Noir it made you feel afterwards:
"Épais dans le plus mince..."
Je n'apprendrai rien à personne, mais je voulais le souligner, parce que c'est important: Valérie Plante a gagné contre l'adipeux Denis Coderre une seconde fois dans l'élection municipale montréalaise. Je ne suis pas le plus grand fan de Plante, mais contre Coderre, j'aurais voté pour elle sans hésitation. Coderre est le genre de politicien démagogue, opaque, populiste et affairiste, qui administre avec ses chums, pour ses chums. J'ai dit tout le mal que je pensais de lui ici et ici. Montréal n'avait pas besoin de lui, ni de son style. Dans mon dernier billet sur lui, j'avais mentionné une phrase de sa mère. Dans les années 90, il y avait eu un article (obséquieux) sur lui dans L'Actualité. Après l'avoir lu, ma mère m'avait dit: "Coderre, il est épais dans le plus mince." Je crois que ça résume bien l'homme qu'il est et pourquoi il a fait patate dimanche. Et je ne sais pas si ma mère tient cette expression de quelqu'un, mais comme au mieux c'est une expression obscure, ça mérite d'être une grande réplique inconnue.
Tuesday, 9 November 2021
Tea in the Train
Mon pays, c'est l'automne
Monday, 8 November 2021
Gate of poppies
Gâteau de fête personnalisé
Saturday, 6 November 2021
Christmas Books already?
Premières neiges, prise deux
Friday, 5 November 2021
The Maltese Falcon (#Noirvember)
Premières neiges
Thursday, 4 November 2021
The smell of snow
It is something I noticed. I always find it strange when it happens, like clockwork almost: comes November, the temperature takes a dramatic drop, as if on cue, and we feel like autumn is on its last leg and mutating into winter. Neither September nor October are like this, they are never, or at least rarely, that predictable. And sicne the beginning of the month, there is even the smell of snow. Sadly there won't be any snow, or at least there is no forecast of snow. In this country, it rarely snows in any case. But all the same, the smell is here and it is one aspect of November which I really love.
Wednesday, 3 November 2021
About train stations
Tuesday, 2 November 2021
Time for #Noirvember
I used to dislike November as a month and now I am a bit ashamed to admit it. But since the last few years I learned to enjoy it quite a lot. There are lot of things to love in the month: it is still autumn, it is my wife's birthday, etc. It is also time for #Noirvember: a "festival" of crime fiction, whether it is in novel or in movie form. So this month, I will read a lot of crime fiction. I mean more than usual. The bloodier the better. I can barely wait, as I already have a reading list. I also intend to watch a few crime movies, old and new. I will of course mention them on this blog, so watch this space.
Une perdrix
Monday, 1 November 2021
About the post-Halloween blues
Well, another Halloween has come and gone. It went too quickly and I don't think I had enough time to fully enjoy it or do all the things I wanted to do related to it. To make matters worse, today is Monday. Never a good day to grieve the end of a holiday. That said, in spite of my initial and long standing dislike for the month of November, mainly because it marks the end of Halloween, I have made peace with it in recent years. I have even grown to like it. More on this on subsequent posts, but let's just say here that, while I am feeling the Monday and the post-Halloween blues today, I will live with it.
"Je suis l'océan Pacifique..."
"Je suis l'océan Pacifique et je suis le plus grand. On m'appelle ainsi depuis très longtemps, mais ce n'est pas vrai que je suis toujours pacifique. Je me fâche parfois, et alors je donne une raclée à tous et à tout. Aujourd'hui par exemple, je viens de me calmer mais hier, je dois avoir tout raflé sur trois ou quatre îles et autant de coquilles de noix que les hommes appellent bateaux... Celle-ci... Oui, celle que vous voyez ici, je ne sais pas comment elle a pu s'en sortir. C'est peut-être pârce que le capitaine Raspoutine connaît son métier et que ses marins viennent des îles Fidji. Ou bien parce qu'ils ont fait un pacte avec le Diable. Mais cela n'a pas d'importance, aujourd'hui c'est Tarowean, le jour des surprises, le jour de tous les Saints, le 1er novemvre 1913"
Ce n'est pas la première fois que je cite l'incipit de La ballade de la mer salée d'Hugo Pratt, première aventure de Corto Maltese. Mais bon, je me suis dit qu'il faut bien commencer novembre du bon pied, alors autant le faire avec cette citation absolument magnifique.