Blogue d'un québécois expatrié en Angleterre. Comme toute forme d'autobiographie est constituée d'une large part de fiction, j'ai décidé de nommer le blogue Vraie Fiction.
Tuesday, 31 December 2024
First Class Tea Mug
Festin des Fêtes
Sunday, 29 December 2024
Gifts from the National Railway Museum
Analyser Mafalda
Saturday, 28 December 2024
Post-Christmas Blues (sort of)
Well, it is this time of year, but it arrived a tad later this year and it is far less painful than usual, for some reason. I will dwell on it a bit more, but anyway, here it is: the post-Christmas blues. However, it isn't too bad this year. Because I still have a few days of holidays, for one, and because I am enjoying my time off doing very little except reading and watching television. I needed a long break and I can live without the excitement (and following exhaustion) that the days leading to Christmas bring. I am not a big fan of new year's celebrations, soI am happy living in limbo until then. Still, the big days of Christmas are over for me, I have stopped listening to Christmas music, so technically it is post-Christmas blues.
Friday, 27 December 2024
Action Man Freeze Force
Un arbre enneigé
Mon frère PJ a pris cette photo hier. Content de voir que décembre est hivernal quelque part dans le monde.
New Lego train station
La dinde du réveillon
Thursday, 26 December 2024
Good King Wenceslas
Because it is Saint Stephen's Day today, I am sharing Good King Wencesla. It's a blog's tradition.
Le calme après Noël
Wednesday, 25 December 2024
Christmas Night Train
Noël Blanc
Tuesday, 24 December 2024
Model Trains And Christmas (a brief history)
This YouTube video is about a year old, but I only found it yesterday. It is about the
history of model trains and Christmas. It's a big part of my own family
history and our LGB train (sadly LGB isn't mentioned in this video) is
by far the greatest Christmas present my brothers and I ever received.
We are now three generations of boys in it. I say boys, because when it
comes to trains, we never really grew up. (And the outnumbered women in the family never really understood our fascination for it). Be that as it may, I found this video fascinating. Oh, and Lionel is often mentioned. That was my father's favourite brand when he was a kid.
Pain sandwich
Monday, 23 December 2024
The family's Christmas Tree
"J'ai dans la tête un vieux sapin..."
Vous savez le reste de 23 Décembre de Beau Dommage. LA chanson québécoise de Noël et LA chanson de Noël nostalgique en ce qui me concerne. Je la partage à chaque année, bien entendu.
Sunday, 22 December 2024
The end of Christmas movies?
I recently read in The Independent an article titled What Killed the Christmas Movie?. About, well, the end of new quality and/or successful Christmas films. Apparently, there aren't so many, if any. It struck me that, yes, the Christmas movies I watch mostly date back from a few decades. The most recent ones must have been from 1999. Then again, most of the so-called Christmas films I watch usually only have the season as a backdrop. I don't really like romcoms in general, whatever the time and setting of them. But I digress. In any case, I was wondering what you thought about it. And one thing I would like to add, is that whileI don't watch "new" Christmas movies, I discovered and enjoyed plenty of "Christmas ceentered" tv series in the last few years. Maybe this is the new trend: Christmas dramas.
L'arbre de Noël, 2024
Saturday, 21 December 2024
Three Wise Men
Friday, 20 December 2024
Piz Gloria exists
Les vertus des pâtés à la viande
Thursday, 19 December 2024
Mariä Wiegenlied (sung by Golda Schultz)
It struck me recently that I don't put enough Christmas music in this blog since the beginning of December. So here is the (maybe) lesser known Mariä Wiegenlied, sung by South African soprano Golda Schultz. Hope you enjoy.
Compter les moutons
Tuesday, 17 December 2024
The Bookshop's Christmas Window
Spirou pour Noël
Monday, 16 December 2024
Black Doves for Christmas(!)
'Tis the season to be watching and I am not into soppy, sentimental and sugary romcoms. So what is a man to do when he wants to watch something seasonal, but not the usual romantic comedies? Well, he goes for somethign dark, violent, yet set during Yuletide. Recently, I found on Netflix a British spy thriller, called Black Doves, which fits the bill perfectly. The story is utterly unbelievable and frankly at times ridiculous, yet it keeps me entertained and I like the atesthetic if nothing else. Because let's face it, for all its flaws, you can't go wrong with blood, guns and Christmas decorations in the background. I say background, but not really. The show's creators certainly pushed the Christmas aspect to eleven: it's everywhere. They know there is a sub-genre of crime, spy and action thrillers set during Yuletide and viewers eager to watch it. And I'm not complaining.
La crèche (et un pianiste)
Sunday, 15 December 2024
Radio Times ('tis the season to be watching)
La Binerie fête Noël
Saturday, 14 December 2024
The Christmas Steam Train
Les bûches de Première Moisson
Friday, 13 December 2024
Kallikantzaros (Christmas Monster)
I learn something new every day. Concretely, Monstrum has released a video about Kallikantzaros, a monster from Greece, associated with Christmas. Because Christmas can be spooky. And what a cool critter it is. Anyway, Kallikantzaros may be a mouthful(it took me a few tries to spell it and pronounce it), but this is our word of the day.
Tourtière VS Pâté
Thursday, 12 December 2024
The Arctic Railway Assassin
Des bonhommes de neige en ski
Wednesday, 11 December 2024
Our Christmas Wreath
Les stocks de pâtés à la viande
Monday, 9 December 2024
Christmas Anthologies
La bûche Lulu
Sunday, 8 December 2024
Early Christmas Roast
Le Parc l'hiver
Saturday, 7 December 2024
Christmas at the National Railway Museum
Les rennes du Père Noël
Friday, 6 December 2024
Christmas Books Guide
La Saint-Nicolas (et Saint Nicolas)
C'est la Saint-Nicolas aujourd'hui. Au lieu de partager, comme je le fais d'habitude, la célèbre chanson basée sur l'une des légendes associées au saint, je partage une vidéo sortie récemment sur YouTube, qui nous explique son histoire et son association au Père Noël. J'ai bien aimé.
Thursday, 5 December 2024
Mozart: Requiem Aeternam
Today, I take a short break from my seasonal Christmas post to commemorate am anniversary: the death of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. As per a musical tradition among Mozart's lovers around the world, I will listen to his Requiem. I am also sharing it on this blog. It's been 233 years and I'm still grieving.
Bûche de Noël
Tuesday, 3 December 2024
Christmas with Brio
Monday, 2 December 2024
First Mulled Wine
Observations sur les calendriers de l'Avent
Sunday, 1 December 2024
Choose Bookshops This Christmas
La Marche des Rois
De trois grands Rois qui allaient en voyage,
De bon matin j'ai rencontré le train
De trois grands Rois dessus le grand chemin.
Nous sommes le premier jour de l'Avent, c'est une tradition sur ce blogue de mettre sur ce blogue une version La marche des rois. Sans doute mon cantique préféré.