Saturday, 21 December 2024

Three Wise Men

 'Tis the season to be reading. Tonight's reading suggestion for Yuletide: Three Wise Men, by Carol Ann Duffy. Illustrations by Julia Klenovsky. It is of course her annual Christmas poem. A poem that is in fact a dream like tale. Or rather, three tales, told by three people (the Three Wise Men of the title), to a Traveler, on the twelfth night of Christmas. The Traveller (and the reader) has to decide which tale is true. There's wassail, miracle soup, there's also the Twelve Days of Christmas, told with the sincerity of a true story. I enjoyed it, although maybe not as much as her last two ones. But then again, maybe it is too fresh in my mind. But it's still a quality tale in verse and, well, I also happen to have purchased a signed copy. Which is always nice.

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