Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Model Trains And Christmas (a brief history)

This YouTube video is about a year old, but I only found it yesterday. It is about the history of model trains and Christmas. It's a big part of my own family history and our LGB train (sadly LGB isn't mentioned in this video) is by far the greatest Christmas present my brothers and I ever received. We are now three generations of boys in it. I say boys, because when it comes to trains, we never really grew up. (And the outnumbered women in the family never really understood our fascination for it). Be that as it may, I found this video fascinating. Oh, and Lionel is often mentioned. That was my father's favourite brand when he was a kid.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting video! A train set under the tree has never been part of my family's Christmas tradition (or anyone else's that I personally know).
