Sunday 18 August 2024

Of sticks and fountains

 Today, my son spent a lot of time with his little cousins from my father's side. This was a lovely time, but I want to blog about one particular moment which suprised me. It happened in the park: we were there and my son found a stick, which prompted his cousin to pick up a stick for himself. As we walked, we stopped at a fountain and they spent ages just dipping their stick into water, making them float and so on. I was really amazed: at home,Wolfie gets bored every time I make him stop playing on his kindle or force him to stop watching cartoons. Or tidy his bedroom. And there he was, spending ages with a stick and some water, not wanting to go back home. My wife observed: "It's quite zen, in a way". I think it deserves to be a great unknown line, if only because it's true. And I guess that's what made him enjoy this activity.


  1. Maybe he enjoyed it so much because there was another kid to share the activity with.

  2. kids being kids. the best fun ever. maybe he needs a sister or brother!
