Monday 27 March 2023

Updates on the work front

 As you may remember, I am being made redundant. It came off as a bit of a surprise and since then I have been job hunting. I have been to some interviews, but so far none have worked out, either I didn't suit the role or the role didn't suit me. Thankfully, things are nevertheless looking better. First, because my wife got a job last Friday. It will start in the middle of April. It's only a temping job, but it will keep pressure off me for a few months. Also, I will have at least one interview this week and I am fairly confident about this one: the role suits my background pretty much perfectly and I have a pretty good feeling about it. And I know I am getting noticed for other roles. So yes, things are looking better.


  1. good for you! i hope you find a job you really like.

  2. Glad to hear it! And congrats to your wife on the temp job -- perhaps it will lead to bigger and better things.

  3. Great news and good luck with the upcoming interview.
