Monday 27 September 2021

New train travel soon?

Of  the few things I have been missing with the pandemic and the lockdown, one of the most important is that we stopped traveling by train. This is probably what I miss the most. Not commuting by train on a daily basis, I really enjoy working from home (although if I had to commute I would rather do it by train), just going from point A to point B via railway. Well, I just might travel by train soon. Not for a very long journey, but long enough to enjoy it. The company I work for has its HQ outside England and one of the seniors is going to be in London next month. He said he wanted to meet the team for a drink, in an informal setting, so we should have an afternoon off to go there and back. And,of course, have a drink with the boss inbetween. I generally don't like these kinds of company events, but since it is not on an evening and it will allow me to meet the team in person, I am almost looking forward to it. If it works of course, as these sorts of things can get cancelled easily. But if nothing else, it will be the occasion to travel by train again. Not in ideal circumstances, but I will be careful, and at least the journey should be pleasant. I honestly cannot remember when I last took the train.


  1. Good luck Guillaume, wish we had trains to travel on.. but they took out the lines here
