Sunday 15 November 2020

The Fairy Tale Chair

A couple of weeks ago, before lockdown, we went to a children's farm which Wolfie loves quite a lot. We went there to meet (respecting all rules of social distancing of course) the childhood friend of my wife and her family, especially her son little Uber, who is Wolfie's best friend. They have the same age, or thereabout, as Uber is two months younger. It was a horrible day weather wise, pouring down like, but it was very pleasant. And I saw this there, which caught my attention: a wooden chair that almost looked like a throne, facong two benches that looked like mushrooms. I did not what it was, but took a picture anyway, because I thought it looked quite nice in a timeless way.

Then I noticed this paper on the fence behind, with the pink hourglass: this is a Fairy Tale Chair. As the paper explains, you sit on it and let the timer go, and of course you must complete your own fairy tale within two minutes. That is quite a challenge, but it is also very charming. I don't know how popular the Chair is, because it was extremely wet nobody really wanted to sit down there, but I find the idea absolutely sweet as it encourages both children and adults to develop their imagination (and be concise, something I have never been very good at). I don't know when we will go back to the children farm, but I do hope that when we do, the weather will be nicer and that we will take the time to use the Fairy Tale Chair.