Tuesday 3 November 2020

About a Troll

It is election day in the USA and I do not intend to dwell on it. I hope for the best, but fear the worst. I don't like to blog about politics much here, but I thought I would reshare an anecdote which has been on my mind quite a lot recently. Some of you may remember, but the last troll who commented on this blog was a Trump supporter (and I believe a female, do we call them Trumpets?). Anyway,I had made that filthy joke upon his inauguration and someone in the comment section called Lynney62 had written this diatribe (you can read the full post and the exhange here):

"Sad that you are filled with such ugliness and hatred that you can't appreciate a momentous day in America's great Republic of freedom. If you dislike the historical ceremonies of America so much...why are you living in this country? Wouldn't you be happier in some other country such as Venezuala or France?"

Now this is, in a nutshell, what is wrong about the most ardent supporters. Bad English, for one (what the hell is a "Republic of freedom"), the vitriolic accusations, the ignorance (I do not live in the US) and making the equivalence between the leader, the ideology and the nation. For Lynney62, an American, or at least a good American, is and should be a Trump supporter or else. For the others, they are bad patriots at best, traitors in fact, and they can go to other countries. You know, the bad ones. Not like the Republic of freedom. Whatever the result of the elections, Lynney62 will still be around, sadly. But I do hope that at least sanity and intelligence will prevail and that trolls such as her will not have their way in the real world. They can always comment on this blog, and it will be my pleasure to make fun of them.


  1. Well, let's hope she shows up again and that the covid didn't get her in the interim.

  2. all trump supporters think they have to shove their sh*t down everyone's throat. i hope today ends up being a good one. there are a lot of very good people out there that need this day to be good.

  3. We are on pins and needles here in the US. I don't know if I can take four more years. His Lordship and I would join you across the pond if not for Baby M.
