Wednesday 15 July 2020

Imperfect Pimm's

My wife is maybe not the most typical Englishwoman: she dislikes tea for instance (which might sound like she's an anarchist). She also very seldom drinks alcohol. But there is one very typical English drink she truly likes and it is Pimm's. Probably because it is fruity. I recently bought her a can of Pimm's. Now, Pimm's is generally drunk with fruits in it: strawberries especially, oranges and for some reason cucumber. For a typical look, see this post. Now, for the first evening, we did not have strawberries and the idea of having only cucumbers in the glass did not seem right, so she drank half the Pimm's with nothing in it, which made it quite boring. The next day, I bought strawberries and decided to prepare her a proper glass. Unfortunately, I cut too many strawberries and cucumbers and there was too little Pimm's left, so it ended up looking like this. Thankfully, she enjoyed it anyway, especially since it was far less fizzy.

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