Tuesday 9 July 2019

Baklava Selection

I mentioned last Friday that there was a food festival in town. We went there the next day for lunch (more on that in another post), then bought a few items of food. One stand was selling Mediterranean stuff, including baklavas. I have a sweet tooth and I love baklavas since I am seven or something. So I bought a selection. Baklavas is like crack made of honey and nuts.It is so very delicious. Unfortunately, my wife does not like it, so only Wolfie and I will have to eat the content of that box. I just gave him a few small bites, I don't want him to eat too much sugary food, but he loves it so much that he now knows the name!


  1. I have a sweet tooth too, but baklava is just TOO sweet for me. Enjoy!

  2. i used to make this often. my husband loves it.
